Andreea Bobu

Boeing Career Development Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics
Pronouns She/Her
I am interested in the intersection of robotics, mathematical human modeling, and deep learning, with a focus on how robots and humans can efficiently arrive at shared representations of their tasks for more seamless and reliable interaction.

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Administrative Assistant

Tamires Meireles

Financial Officer

Jei Lee Freeman

Specialization and Research Interests

I focus on human-centered robotics, algorithmic human-robot interaction, robot learning from human feedback, personalization, and human-aligned representation learning.

Teaching Interests

Algorithmic human-robot interactions, artificial intelligence for aerospace, and robotics: science and systems

Academic Degrees

S.B. Computer Science and Engineering from MIT
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California Berkeley

Positions held at MIT

Boeing Assistant Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Positions held Outside of MIT

Research Scientist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute

Awards & Honors

EECS Rising Star
R:SS and HRI Pioneer
Best Paper; HRI
Honorable Mention; T-RO
Best Paper Finalist; HRI
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Nominee